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OER and Open Access Resources for Faculty

Adopting alternatives to traditional textbooks can make a difference in students lives. It can increase student engagement too. We are here to help as you consider what OER and Open Access materials may be right for your class

CCCC Workshop: Dissolving Economic Barriers to Retention and Success

CCCC Workshop: Dissolving Economic Barriers to Retention and Success

Open Textbook Library - Open Textbook Network

open textbook library

Session PowerPoint

BCTC Library


The BCTC Librarians as part of the OER workgroup, are here for you if you need help with navigating the OER  landscape!  We can help you explore various options available.  A good companion to OER can be the use of library resources in your classes.

We can help you to deep link to library articles and books, to include as valuable resources for your students. We also can provide support by creating course guides you can embed in your classes, which can include subject area OER or library resources that are available to  BCTC students. 

We are excited to help you on your OER/OA journey!

Share Your OER Journey! 

Sampling of Some Additional Open Textbook Sources

American Yawp - Open Textbook

American Yawp

EnCompass - Open Textbook


Slavery to Liberation

Join the BCTC OER Workgroup (Teams)

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