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OER and Open Access Resources for Faculty

Adopting alternatives to traditional textbooks can make a difference in students lives. It can increase student engagement too. We are here to help as you consider what OER and Open Access materials may be right for your class

Some Quick Definitions

What is an Open Course? 

Open Course is a broad term that extends the concept of "open educational resources" by indicating that not only the content but also the learning and interaction within a course is freely available. There are open courses on a variety of topics, for various groups and ages. Open courses generally do not allow students to earn formal course credit or degrees. (Some colleges and universities may offer a credit earning version of some of their open courses, for an added fee; for example, U of C, Irvine)

What is "OpenCourseWare"?

An OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open digital publication of high quality college and university‐level educational materials.  These materials are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content.  OpenCourseWare are free and openly licensed, accessible to anyone, anytime via the internet. (defintion from the OpenCourseWare Consortium).  Like other open courses, OpenCourseWare generally do not allow students to earn formal course credit or degrees.

What is a MOOC?

MOOC is an acronym for “Massive Open Online Course." It is a course that anyone with an internet connection can attend for free.

Benefits of Open Access Courses

There are many benefits of open education:

1) spreads knowledge to regions of the world where poverty or geography makes access to formal education difficult

2) can enhance the overall educational experience by bringing in new resources

3) encourages research and collaborative efforts among faculty

4) creates a flexible learning environment with freedom for user innovation & customization

5) provides students with an important pathway into for-credit coursework (i.e. recruitment)

Selected Open Course Resources

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