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We answer questions on
- Copyright
- Citations
- linking to online library resources in Blackboard
- Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access
We provide
- Research support for faculty, staff, and students
- From providing initial direction to co-searching, connecting people with information is our speciality. We may not always know the answer, but we probably know where to find it.
- Access to collections
- Classroom visits (online or in person)
- Course reserves services
- Interlibrary loan services ( ILL)
We collaborate to create
- Collections to meet your needs
- For now, please email for any requests for additions to the collection.
- Instructional videos
- to build library and information literacy skills.
- Submit your suggestion for video topics here
- Custom subject or topic guides
- A full listing of our guides can be found here, Guides can be used to gather resources specific to a course of assignment and serve as a jumping off point for students.
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