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Handouts to Give to Students
Feel free to distribute any of these handouts to students in your classes.
Building Student Information Literacy Skills - We Can Help! |
Students need information literacy and research skills in order to navigate an ever-increasingly complex world of information sources, and your librarians are here to help! We can help your students develop these skills so that they can better apply them to their coursework. Students can stop by the library to get help and build their skills. Students also can ask questions via our "Ask Us" form. The Ask Us method may be especially useful for your distance education students. We also have developed or linked to several handouts that you can use in your classroom to help develop the information literate student. Feel free to use any of the handouts on this page to aid the development of information literacy in your courses, In addition, we have created many related LibGuides to help lead students towards a more information literate future. Check back here occcasionally for for updated guides or information, and be sure to check out links to more LibGuides. There also is a BCTC Libraries Facebook page that has frequent posts related to library resources and information.
What does it mean for students to be "information literate"? |
Information literacy is the ability in students to recognize the qualities and extent of an information need, and then be able to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information. |
Related LibGuides
Link to these and other LibGuides in your course, if you like, There is also an option to print them out ( "print page" at top of a LibGuide)
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