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Resources for Sociology


Use this subject guide to help you find resources related to sociology.

                                                                                      people of the world

                                                                                                                                            Image: xedos4 /

Suggested Databases for Sociology

Browse the Shelves

To browse the shelves for Sociology books, try these call numbers:


General & Theoretical Sociology
HN Social History & Conditions; Social Problems & Reform
HQ Marriage & the Family; Sexual Life; Age Groups; Women & Feminism
HS Secret & Other Societies, Associations, and Clubs 
HT Urban & Rural Sociology; Social Classes; Race Relations 
HV Social Work, Charities, & Public Welfare; Social Pathologies; Criminology
HX Socialism & Communism; Utopias; Anarchism


Sometimes, the application of the field of Sociology to another subject means you can also find sociology books on the shelf in sections related to that other subject ( for example, books on the sociology of religion might also be found in section BL and the sociology of medicine in RA. )

Materials closely related to Sociology can be found in sections BF (psychology), GN (anthropology), HA (statistics), HB (demography), P (communication and linguistics, including sociolinguistics).

Sociology Images Blog

The Sociological Images Blog /  CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
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Subject Guide

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