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ENG 207: Creative Writing - Poetry Workshop (Don Boes)

Resources for poetry workshop


Use this subject guide to help you find poetry books and other research materials related to Don Boes'  ENG 207: Creative Writing - Poetry Workshop class.

                                                                                                                   woman writing in a book

                                                                                                                         Image: anankkml /

Selected Poetry eBooks

ENG 207

ENG 207: Creative Writing - Poetry Workshop (Don Boes)

 poetry book reading assignment

See the listiings (below) of "Selected Poetry Books on the Shelves" and "Selected Poetry eBooks" to help you find a poetry book by a single author at the library.

BCTC Accolade

Have you written a poem you would like to share with the world? Consider submitting your original poetry to be considered for publication in BCTC's literary journal, the Bluegrass Accolade.


Primo Search

Discover books, journal articles, and more . . .

Subject Guide

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859-246-6713 (Newtown)
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