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Artificial Intelligence

guide to artificial intelligence (AI)


AI does not necessarily have the capacity determine whether what it creates is a breach of copyright and the services waive all liability and responsibility onto the user – so it is important that you check original sources.

It is recommended that you check the terms and conditions of any AI tool or platform you generate material from before using.

Referencing and Citing

 Always check with your Instructor before using items generated by an AI tool in your assessments.

All items generated using any AI tool  and used in assessments require appropriate attribution that they have been created by an AI tool, the program used, what prompts were used and the date it was produced.

  • AI tool and version
  • Type of AI tool
  • Date
  • Prompt/s or instructions (a transcript may be included as an appendix in your assessment)

It is more than likely that information on how to reference AI will continue to be updated as this field continues to change at a rapid rate.

Chat GPT and Citations

Chat GPT citations image blue on blue

Below are some links to information about citing AI generated items

This guide is licensed and shared under a Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0 license, the terms of which include the right to reuse, remix and share.. This guide was adapted from a Central Regional Training and Workforce Development Library guide, also licensed and shared under the Creative Commons license, CC BY NC 4.0, The Central Regional Training and Workforce Development Library guide was adapted and shared from a Deakin U. guide, also under a Creative Commons License CC-BY NC 4.0  Icons  by macrovector on Freepik 

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