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Enhance Your Study Skills!

Get the most out of your studying time by applying these ideas and techniques

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. The technique uses a timer to break down studying into intervals separated by short breaks. It can be very helpful for focused studying sessions.


1. Choose a Task You Want to Complete

The first step is easy. Pick something you want to complete. Be specific.

2. Set a Timer for 25 Minutes

Set your timer for 25 minutes. This can be done using a phone or other timer. Or use Google’s built-in timer.

3. Work on the Task for 25 Minutes

This 25-minute period is the core of this technique and is referred to as a Pomodoro. Keep working  during this time until you hear the timer.

Every time you feel the need to check your phone, eat a snack, or other distraction, tell yourself: “I will do that on my next break, but not now” Don’t pause the timer; keep working! It is only less than 25 minutes until your next break: you can do it!

4. When the Timer rings, Put a Checkmark on a Piece of Paper.

Once the timer rings, congratulations, you’ve completed your first Pomodoro. To celebrate, you’re going to mark a checkmark on a piece of paper. Do this after each 25 minute study burst, in order to keep track of how many Pomodoros you’ve done.

5. Take a Short Break

Take a short break. You can now give into some of those things that popped up in your head during the Pomodoro. Check your phone, look at a video, or get a snack. You’ve earned it! The key thing though is keeping the break period short. Your break should be 5 minutes.

6. Every 4 Pomodoros, Take a Longer Break 

This longer break should be around 30 minutes and really give you time to relax after a long period of studying. The longer break will give your brain a chance to absorb and commit to memory the important information you just learned.

Study with Me: 2 hour Pomodoro session (4 Pomodoros with 5 minute breaks)

Try out the Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique - Explained by Greg Head

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