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Holocaust Days of Remembrance

Resources related to the Holocaust and Holocaust Days of Remembrance

Database Searching Help

Some of the examples and suggestions on this page may help you when searching for Holocaust-related information in library databases.

Searching Help

If you get too few sources...

Think of synonyms.

You tried: Holocaust stories

Try: Holocaust narratives, Holocaust oral histories, Holocaust testimonies

Use truncation (? or *) for more word endings.

You tried: survivors

Try: surviv? or surviv*

(This will look for survive, survived, survivor, survivors,and other words that begin with SURVIV.)

Don't use terms that are too specific.

You tried: Holocaust AND Hitler

Try: Holocaust AND Third Reich

Holocaust AND government mandates


You get too many sources:

Use AND to separate terms.

You tried: concentration camps Treblinka Auschwitz

Try: concentration camps AND Treblinka AND Auschwitz

Use quotation marks to search words together.

You tried: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Try: "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum"

This will look for the words United States Holocaust Memorial Museum all together in that order, as a phrase, instead of finding each word separately.

Don't use terms that are too broad.

You tried: concentration camps

Try: "concentration camps" AND "women"

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Maureen Cropper
Librarian / Professor
BCTC - Lexington, KY


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